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A woman wearing glasses and a leather jacket.
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hospital
A black man with a beard in a black shirt.
Former NFL Player
Associate Professor of Global Politics at University College London
Marcelo Gleiser
Theoretical Physicist
A woman wearing glasses and a turtle neck top.
Author, “Healthy Brain, Happy Life”
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Recent Episodes
Silhouette of a person against a vibrant background with radiating light beams in blue, white, and orange hues.
The illusion of self and the illusion of free will, explained
10 min
Image of Earth set against a black background with the text "A Volatile World" in large white letters.
Why does it feel like the world is falling apart?
11 min
Red ink disperses in water with the words "Menopause Chaos" overlaid in bold white font.
The science of menopause in 13 minutes
13 min
Close-up of a multicolored, reflective surface depicting two human-like eyes with iridescent hues surrounding them.
Yuval Noah Harari: An AI scenario you should not ignore
11 min
Why Texas and Florida are America’s NEW economic powerhouses
8 min
The data on dating—and the golden rule for better “luck”
8 min
Recent Episodes
Various capsules arranged diagonally on a blue surface, alternating between light and dark colors.
The truth about supplements, from a doctor
5 min
A baby with blonde hair and blue eyes looks upward with a curious expression against a blue background.
The “unethical” myth about having children
5 min
A bear attempting to catch a jumping fish near a waterfall.
Nature’s “perfect balance” is a mystery scientists are trying to decode
A man in a suit looks upward with a surprised expression. There is a fiery effect in the foreground. Buildings and people are visible in the background.
How your brain works in an emergency, in 9 minutes
9 min
A bulletin board with newspaper clippings, maps, and strings. The text "THE HIDDEN TRUTH?" is prominently displayed in the center.
Our information pipelines have shifted. They’re fueling conspiracy theories
8 min
People say altruism is selfish. They’re not wrong
6 min
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A laptop with a woman's image displayed on it.
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