Check out our blog post on why you should start the 365 Photo challenge: Take a photo a day – you will thank us for it later
Click here for a short How-To video or continue reading for step by step instructions:
1. Go to Organizer – click Organizer on the top menu
2. Click Album Menu (1) and Create new album “Project 365″(2)
Once created, refresh the screen and it will look like this:
3. Now Click the Project 365 album to open it and Create albums for the first month inside Project 365 album.
Type in the month you’re starting the project. i.e. January (if you start on January) into the popup. You’ll see the album is created inside of your Project 365 album:
Here’s how the first album looks:
Now, you are ready to upload your photos to this album. When the month is over, create a second album for the next month and start uploading there.
To upload photos, select your best photo from each day’s shoot and upload it by clicking the Upload button while you are inside your monthly album.
- Open the monthly album by clicking on it
- Click the Upload button and upload your photo. In case you mistakenly upload to another album, you can always drag and drop photos in the Organizer. If needed, please check our nifty Help section with How-To videos.
Below is a screen shot of the Upload screen: make sure you are uploading into your monthly album. Also, it’s good to check that your album is Public, if you are planning to share it publicly.
After you’ve uploaded your photos, you’re ready to share your album with friends and family. To share this album click the Share button, or you can go to the Project 365 album and share it instead. Then your friends will see the whole project and your progress.
Check out our blog post on why you should start the 365 Challenge Project:
365 Photo challenge: Take a photo a day – you will thank us for it later
Click here for a short How-To video
Happy Shooting!
The SlickPic team